Escape from Reality

People play games for a lot of different reasons. Some play games for fun, others play to socialise and for a few people they play games as their career, but there are those people that games are much more than just for fun, socializing or money, these people use games to escape from reality. 

Although some people are perfectly content with their life, there are those people that need an escape for one reason or another. Some of the reasons of wanting to escape reality are, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Paranoia, Dissociative identity disorder, Dissociative amnesia etc. 

Image: Unsplash

People who utilise escapism are most likely in a depressive state. Using escapism is shown to increases the severity and the amount of time that a person might be in a depressive state. Therefore, escapism most likely isn’t the best solution to some of the mainstream problems. 

Despite escapism not being good, there are lots of ways to do it. Some people use sport as a form of escapism because sport gives people a clear goal, whether it be to get the ball to the other side or to knock out your opponent by using martial arts. Some sports allow a person to vent one’s anger. Work is one of the biggest forms of escapism there is because it allows a person to focus on one objective while ignoring the more important problems a person might have in their life. 

Even though there are a lot of ways to escape reality, vs of them all and for good reasons. First of all, video games can be a replacement to one’s social life. T Secondly video games can also be used to ignore one’s more important real-life problems because the game that they are immersed in is completely virtual. Lastly, video games are so addictive, frighteningly so, that some people die while playing a video game or because of the video game. A person in Taiwan was playing League of Legends in a PC café, but he was so invested in the game that he played 23 hours straight and that caused him to die from fatigue and heart problems. 

Playing video games are fine by itself, but it shouldn’t be used as form of escapism. There are plenty of reasons why a person might be using escapism in some way, shape or form, but if a person finds a need for escapism they should get help instead. There are a lot of websites, hospitals, and organizations that offer this kind of help. If you don’t want to go to places like this or you just don’t feel comfortable, then having a good friend listen would help even if it’s just a tiny bit. So, if you have read this article and you have a friend who uses escapism or even yourself, you know what to do. 

Listed down below are some websites that can help. 

By Zephyrus

Zephyrus is a guy that loves games, be it in real life or online. Zephyrus is the type of guy that you'll see playing Genshin Impact and other open world games. Although Zephyrus likes open world games, he gets competitive in games like MLBB, CODM, PUBGM, Tekken and much more.


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