Whilst Yelling at Children is made possible by its amazing team of writers, editors, moderators and its fledgling social media team, there are some that go above and beyond, and this page is about celebrating those team members.
Level Up Award
This is the penultimate award that is given to the writer that best encapsulates what the Level Up learning experience is all about. They publish articles that are always the best that they can do. They follow instructions, and willingly participate in the peer editing process. They grow as writers and see the value in developing their literacy skills. They include all elements required in their articles and always do this within the deadlines set for them.
Level Up Award: YellowThing is a quiet achiever who always encourages his peers, writes interesting articles, always checks the instructions instead of asking the teacher, and is also a key member of the editorial team. He writes prolifically and always has great images and even some multimodal elements! One of the OGs. And in breaking news, YellowThing will be leading the Editorial Team next year!
Best Feature Article: Nuclear43 for his article on Googology that no one else understood.Article with the Best Presentation: YellowThing for his article exploring the Best XCOM2 Gameplay ModsThe Best Researcher Award: Maverick The Engagement Award: SightlessWolf for his article on Hearthstone’s accessibility modThe Specialist Award: YellowThing for writing the most articles on a single subject (CivilsationIV). Best Title Award: Wolfrito for his article entitled Quality Over Quantity: The Forgotten Gaming RuleBest Feature Image Award: Wolfrito for his article “Boring” Job SimulatorsResearcher Award:TekkZer_TBThe Most Prolific Writer Award: YellowThing with the insane effort of publishing fifteen articles in 2022!The Most Improved Writer Award: The Gaymer because at Yelling At Children we all understand that the important thing isn’t who is the best, but who has improved the most over the year. Those people often walk the hardest paths and get the least praise for it. So congratulations, The Gaymer. We are proud of what you have achieved over the past two years despite the hurdles in your path!
Most Prolific Class of Publishers Award: Level Up B
Back Row: Antfox319, YellowThing, WolfRito, Nuclear43, JA_JA_Chop, Sh1penfire, The VoidSearcher Front Row: Immortalized, EthanVANIA, Kwoopa, Tim, Some.Arsonist Absent: ZORXITRON, Key, Mammooth, The Gaymer, Lamp, SnaggyOpossum0.
Support Staff
Dom and Tim are the adults in the room (and we use the term adults loosely). They both love being part of the Yelling at Children team and look forward to improving and developing the subject for its third year in 2023!
where is doom_buyer he is important?
Congratulations to everyone who got an award, Well done!