Terraria is an immaculate open-world adventure platformer game developed and published by Re-Logic with the assistance of 505 Games and Headup Games. The 26th of May 2011 was when Terraria was released to the public for the first time. The game has been incredibly designed to make a wonderful storyline for the player in a fantasy world. You begin with nothing but a sword, a pickaxe, an axe, and the guide. Most players begin with either running to one side of the map for resources or going straight to building houses for their NPCs. The NPCs will likely come in handy later; it’s just up to player preference to do it first.

An addition to Terraria that makes it one of the greatest games of all time is the company — Re-Logic. In the company of Re-Logic there is a developer who goes by the name Red. Red, I kid you not, reads almost every comment that has ever been posted about Terraria. They improve the game by adding features that have been mentioned in said comments, as well as adding funny names in the game, like the mini-boss – Mourning Wood.
As a “professional” myself, with over 800 hours, I could still see myself playing Terraria in the many years to come. Terraria is constantly being updated, now working on release 1.4.5, giving all players, old and new, a surprise for when they enter their world. Terraria runs very well with multiplayer, allowing you to play with your friends, making Terraria one of the all-time best multiplayer games on Steam. On a side note, if you’re looking for a challenge because you’re finding Terraria too easy, then try this – play the entire of pre-Hardmode however you want, but after Wall of Flesh, pick up the class of whatever emblem you receive. Play strictly that class until you beat the Moonlord.

I think that Terraria is my all-time favourite game that I have ever played. I also recently played a Terraria world with a friend of mine, as well as AquaDude72. Make sure you go check out his articles, as he made one on Terraria, too, specifically a pre-Hardmode boss guide.
For my rating of this game, I would give it a ten out of ten for gameplay, eight out of ten for graphics, and an eight out of ten for storyline. Granting my beloved Terraria, a nine-point three rating. Despite that, I have mentioned that I absolutely love this game; I still think that I’m not being biased at all simply because this game is immaculate. Even if Re-Logic changed the price of Terraria from $14.99 to something like $59.99, I would still buy it 100 times over just because of how perfect this game is. Well done and thank you to everyone who helped make Terraria as magnificent as it is. I hope this game becomes even greater over time.