Whilst Yelling At Children is made possible by its amazing team of writers, editors, moderators and its fledgling social media team, there are some that go above and beyond and this page is about celebrating those team members.
Level Up Award
This is the penultimate award that is given to the writer that best encapsulates what the Level Up learning experience is all about. They publish articles that are always the best that they can do. They follow instructions, and willingly participate in the peer editing process. They grow as writers and see the value in developing their literacy skills. They include all elements required in their articles and always do this within the deadlines set for them.
Level Up Award: Juliusmy a quiet achiever who always encouraged his peers, wrote interesting articles, always checked the instructions instead of asking Tim, and was never heard to say a bad word about any one. We will miss you next year, Juliusmy. Good luck with VCE.
The Editing Team
Sheeb, Ghost, GX, Yellowthing, TheVoidSearcher, Jamontoast197, Gabe
Individual Awards
Best Feature Article: TekkZer_TB for his article on the History of Video Games.Article with the Best Presentation: Ja_Chop_Chop for his review of Sea of Thieves.The Best Researcher Award:Amingel. The Engagement Award: Ghost Writer for his article Fury and it’s Problems: Part One which had more comments than any other article. (Shout out to Glenys!)The Most Committed Team Member Award:Mosesiscute for working hard all year.Most In depth Article Award:Gabe for his Article on How Your Computers are made.The Most Organised Award:Cold Heart for following the writing process correctly and staying on top the publishing process all year.Most Improved Sentence Structure Award:The Food for developing a fantastic understanding of coordinating and subordinate conjunctions and how to use commas to separate clauses.The Specialist Award: Happy Grassblock for writing the most articles on a single subject (Minecraft). (…and there were another five that he didn’t get around to publishing because I think he was playing too much Minecraft.)The Most Improved Writer Award:Lemon because at Yelling At Children we all understand that the important thing isn’t who is the best, but who has improved the most over the year. Those people often walk the hardest paths and get the least praise for it. So congratulations, Lemon. We are so proud of what you have achieved this year and we can’t wait to see where you are going to be at the end of next year!
Most Prolific Class of Publishers Award: Level Up B
Back Row: Domestic Dodo, Maverick, The VoidSearcher, Mr Twist Middle Row: Key, Gabe, The Gaymer, (An Imposter), Terry In reverse, Zephrys Front Row: Nuclear43, Rexyman, Tim, Kwoopa, AussieTerrarian07, N0VEX Absent: Cowman, WolfRito, EthanVANIA, Frogoblin, DeathDragon, Schotts6409
Support Staff
Dom and Tim are the adults in the room (and we use the term adults loosely). They both utterly love being part of the Yelling At Children team and look forward to building on what they have learnt in the inaugural year!