These Overrated Games SUCK, & you don’t care.

I hear you say, “Oh, Minecraft’s so fun!” or “Oh, Roblox! I love that game. But you’re wrong.

Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game that a lot of people like and I don’t. Maybe it’s because I get bored, maybe it’s because I like a game to sit me down and tell me, “Look here, bucko, we designed this game this way, and if you don’t like it, you can go off and use an etch a sketch”, but nevertheless, I never really got the appeal of Minecraft.

But I don’t hate Minecraft. I hate how popular it has become, and this article is actually more of a takedown on the current state of the “games for children” industry at the moment. I’ll cover Roblox, Minecraft and… oh, just those two? Ok.

But I don’t hate Minecraft. I hate how popular it has become, and this article is actually more of a takedown on the current state of the “games for children” industry at the moment. I’ll cover Roblox and Minecraft.


But with everyone waiting to see what Mojang would give us next, a story mode (that was an actual game, not a David Cage-like mess) or a brand-new game. Then they stared blankly at us, then went to go play that game where you throw stacks of money at the roof until one stick.

But with everyone waiting to see what Mojang would give us next, a story mode (that was an actual game, not a David Cage-like mess) or a brand-new game. Then they stared blankly at us, then went to go play that game where you throw stacks of money at the roof until one stick.

Now let’s move on to Roblox, or as it should be called, “Can You Figure Out What a Good Game is Because We Don’t Flipping Know? Let’s face it, Roblox isn’t an actual game; it’s a really, really bad version of Steam filled with furries and 3yr olds.

Roblox is not just bad; it is cancerous, it has destroyed most children’s view of what a “game” actually is. A game is something that someone spends much time on. A game is an interactive experience. A game is not an item-filled skinner box designed to leech you of all your parent’s money.

While ROBLOX games may be fun, do not forget that all they want is your money and your soul. Do not trust it; fight it.      

Roblox and Minecraft are not to blame here, for it is the system that is the problem. The system will never be fixed unless you stop paying for this stuff, so I beg you. Do not pay for these games.


  1. “do not forget that all they want is your money and your soul.”
    do you realise that we live in late stage capitalism, that’s how every successful business works

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