YellowThing Interview

YellowThing is 15 years old. His heritage is half Danish and half English. His family consists of him, his mother, father and sister. His favorite genre of games is strategy/puzzle games that make him think, like Civilization 6. His favorite games are Portal 2, One Shot, and Mario Cart DS.

JA_Chop_Chop’s Profile

JA_Chop_Chop is a 16-year-old student at Templestowe College and is part of Level Up (an English elective), and a writer for the Yelling at Children website — being one of the “OG” users. He enjoys playing Minecraft, but also likes War Thunder. He enjoys playing with his friends as well as being a good friend to others around him.

Sh1prenfire: writer, gamer, programmer

During the first eight years of his school experience, Sh1penfire was home-schooled back in Singapore. The reason for this was his struggle with autism, ADHD, dyslexia and his difficulties with socialisation.