Gaming Popularity: Looking at the Numbers

image Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

Although gaming combines technologies that are super advanced and would be considered magic or impossible four or five decades ago, many people take it for granted. since the 1960s the gaming industry and community have been ever growing and creating many careers. In this article we will be talking about the gaming industry and its community.  Even though video games are so popular, many might… Continue reading Gaming Popularity: Looking at the Numbers

Fortnite Leaks

Fortnite has a bunch of new things coming soon, and I, the writer of this article, am here to talk to you about them. Some of them are guaranteed and some are most likely. So, let’s get started, shall we?

Why does the Media blame videogames for violence?

Around 1964-1997, the media began to blame videogames for violence. One of the first accounts of this was in a game where you run over goblins and other gremlins, but they were apparently pedestrians. Now what does the media think they are doing?    In the current economic and social crisis, video games are a form of relief and escape from… Continue reading Why does the Media blame videogames for violence?