A short review of the open world survival craft game “scrap mechanic”.
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These Overrated Games SUCK, & you don’t care.
Minecraft and Roblox are actually bad.
Superliminal, The Brain-Breaking Game
Superliminal is an amzazing puzzle game about perception and reality.
Stranded Deep: Tips & Tricks
Stranded deep tips and tricks to help you get through the entire game!
Marvel’s Slow Decent Into Madness
Marvel used to be a titan of the film industry, it seemed like they were truly unstoppable by pumping out good movies left and right until it all came together with Avengers Infinity War and Endgame, but in 2023, it truly feels that Marvel just doesn’t care because of how they keep releasing bad movies and shows nearly every time.
Warhammer Video Games Compared to the Tabletop
Warhammer is not on the tabletop.
Why Overwatch 2 Will FAIL
Overwatch 2 was just an update. Yeah, sure, the U.I looked different, there were two new characters, and half the roster was revamped, but that was about it. Now the game is going to have P.V.E mode implemented, but it was delayed which sucks considering how it was going to be the whole point of making a sequel. But after the launch of Overwatch 2, I am not hopeful for its future.
Reviewing Every TF2 Shotgun
Team Fortress 2 has a weird power dynamic with its shotguns, being that some classes have little to no shotguns while others (like Engineer) have a mountain of available shotguns. So, I decided to make this weird tier list/review/analysis type thing.
Star Wars Vader Immortal Ep1 – VR
Star Wars: Vader Immortal is a Star Wars Virtual Reality (VR) game. This is one out of three parts, and they all have a story line and a campaign which is linked to the Star Wars universe.
Riot Games’ Character Design
Riot Games’ character development within the lore is done in such a way that pulls you further into the fandom rather than the game. While most of the player base are sweats who play for the sake of playing, the characters create a whole other aspect of the game that is largely more enjoyable than your basic PVP game.