This article is an introduction to Swordigo. An amazing game that no one knows about.
How GTA has had a Huge Impact on Gaming
Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5), created by Rockstar Games, was released on 17th of September 2013.
The Perils with Patching Glitches, and Unintentional Game Design.
Most big game developers think glitches are just issues to be ironed out. But what if they are more? And if they are, then why do developers murder them without hesitation.
5 Mindustry Challenge Runs That’ll Restore Your Wan’ted iligone
Mindustry at its base as a hybrid between a factory-builder and RTS might be too easy for people. There are multiple ways to spice basegame up though…
The Rise And Fall Of The World’s Weirdest Game: Who’s Your Daddy?
How a silly indie game took the world by storm in 2016 and where it is now.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga, the game that brought back my childhood.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is a funny twist on the Star Wars franchise.
First playthrough review of the multi-sport game Riders Republic
Riders Republic is a video game developed and published by Ubisoft. The game was released in October 2021 and has quickly become a fan favourite.
Gaming in Germany: Kleptomaniac14 shares their story.
Kleptomaniac14, who usually is just nicknamed “Klepto”, is a friend I have from around Wolfsburg, Germany, that I met online in a game less than a year ago, and I always was curious which things in their life were different from mine.
The Amazing Design of XCOM 2
XCOM 2 is a turn-based strategy game that takes a place in my heart as one of my favourite games.
MrHeeDude 72: A Legend in a League of his own
Today we interview a well-known writer of Yelling at Children known as MrHeeHaw. Come with me as I ask him about his gaming adventures and explore his favourite game: League of Legends.